Educational Reservation

The concept of creamy Layer among OBC’s are evolved from the famous Mandal case (Indra Sawhney& OthersVs Government of India) in Supreme Court. Due to the recommendations of the Mandal Commission, Central Government issued an Office Memorandum to reserve 27% posts in central government services. The order was challenged by Indra Sawhney in Supreme Court. The constitutional bench of the apex court upheld the decision to reserve 27% reservation for OBC’s in Central Government service. But in the verdict, Honourable Supreme Court cleared that the creamy layer among OBC’s should be excluded from reservation. Central Government constitute a commission chaired by Justice Ram Nandan Prasad to identify the creamy layer among OBC’s. The commission recommendation as such approved by the Central Government. Based on this, Central Government issuedan order regardingthe guideline and criteria for excluding Creamy Layer among OBC. The same criteria and guidelines are still in force for identify Creamy Layer among OBC’s

1. Central Government office Memorandum
2. Central Government Classifications
3. Non Creamy Layer for migrate regarding.
4. State Government order regarding employment purpose
5. State Government Classifications
6. State Government order regarding educational purpose

Reservation of seats in Professional Degree/Engineering Post Graduate Courses

Sl No Category Percentage of reservation
1 Ezhava/Billava/Thiyya 9
2 Muslim 8
3 Other Backward Hindu 3
4 Latin Catholic & Anglo Indian 3
5 Other Backward Christians 1
6 Dheevara
7 Viswakarma 2
8 Kusava/ Kulala/Kumbhara 1
9 Kudumbi 1
  Total for OBC 30

Reservation of seats in Arts and Science Courses

Sl No                                 Category Percentage of Reservation
1 Ezhava / Thiyya / Billava 8
2 Muslim 7
3 Latin Catholic /SIUC 1
4 Other Backward Hindu 3
5 Other Backward Christians 1
  Total for OBC 20

Reservation of seats in Higher Secondary Courses

Sl No Category
Percentage of Reservation
1. Ezhava /Billava/Thiyya 8 9
2. Muslim 7 8
3 Latin Catholic &SIUC 3 3
4 Other Backward Christians 1 1
5 Dheevara 2 2
6 Kudumbi 1 1
7 Viswakarma 2 2
8 Kusavan/Kulalan/Kulala Nair/ Kumbharan/Velan/Odan/Kulala/Andhra Nair/Andhur Nair 1 1
9 Other Backward Hindu 3 3
Total 28 30

Reservation of seats in Professional Medical Post Graduate Courses

Sl No Category Percentage of Reservation
1 Ezhava / Thiyya / Billava 3
2 Muslim 2
3 Other Backward Hindu 1
4 Latin Catholic /SIUC 1
5 Other Backward Christians 1
6 Kudumbi 1
  Total 9